Friday, October 24, 2014

I Need to Focus on the Positive

Good Friday Morning to you all...

I have to admit, I haven't been writing much lately because I am sick of thinking about having Cancer but I have to really start focusing on the positives and see myself crossing the finish line.

Treatments and recovery have gotten more difficult as time has progressed but that was to be expected.  Having had Hodgkin's in my twenties,  chemo has weakened certain parts of my organs and they can't take as much as they used to. My oncologist wants to have my heart checked again because I am showing signs of congestive heart failure. That freaked me out at first but after reading up on it, all it means is that my heart is working a little harder than it should. This explains why I'm tired all the time and have difficulty breathing at times.

I am so very thankful for my job and the support that they have given me. My boss (Msgr) gathered the entire staff and my husband and gave me an anointing. It was quite touching to have everyone there and pray together.  I've also been told that Msgr mentions my name at all the Masses and that makes me very happy. You can't beat the power of prayer.

Today is my beautiful sister Jeanne's birthday. Happy Birthday Jeanne!!! Hope your day is wonderful. I wish I could share a glass (bottle) of wine with you but unfortunately the vino would not agree with me at this time but I plan on being around for a very long time so we will have many more birthdays to come.

My next treatment is scheduled for Wednesday, October 29 (#4) but that could change depending on whether or not I need to get the heart testing done before that. The first available appointment at the cardiologist is not until Nov. 6. I will keep you posted.

Until next time...keeping the faith and remembering I am truly blessed.

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